Hi everyone,
We had a lovely luncheon for all members of our linedancing group at the Ex Servo's in Nowra, the meal was great, so much to chose from, can't go past the baked dinner. About 35 attended this function, this was arranged in place of the picnic which was organised for last February, which had to be cancelled due to poor weather.
It was great to see Judy again, it's been a while since we last saw her, hopefully she will be back to dancing soon.
It was also good to see Brenda, she has such a busy calendar, she hasn't been able to get to class.
I will post some photos soon. Rob has put photos on our Shoalhaven country Line dance site, link on the right hand side of this blog site.
After we had our meal, 11 of us set of for the movies to see Rock of Ages, funny movie little bit raunchy and some great music from the 80's. It was the best place to be as it was a rainy day.