Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Homebush 2014

Once again we are off to Homebush Social, always a great time and raising money for Ronald McDonald House for a special fund raiser.

Rose & Gina enjoying the break 
 The program was a good mix of old and new dances, with split floors for majority of the dances. So no one sits down unless the old legs say enough is enough (but we don't listen to them do we) We rest the next day.
Lola & Maureen relaxing while they can.
Few of our beginners have come along for the first time and were blown away by the amount of line dancers, 800 in total all in one place. They challenged themselves by trying out new dances they had never seen before. Well done guys not many people will try that, I'm impressed.
Geoff, Brenda, Geoff, Kathy at the Homebush Social for the first time
except for Brenda who goes every year.
We all had such a good time, with myself winning a prize in the raffle. We will look forward to next year's social
Waiting for the bus, Brenda, Laurel, Sonja, Collette

Coastal Waters Nursing Home Demo

The Shoalhaven Country Line Dancers did a demo at Coastal Waters Nursing Home
We had all the ladies & men clapping and singing along to some old favourite songs
I'm sure this gives a lot of pleasure to these people, they usually come to us at the end and tell us how much they enjoyed it. 

Thanks girls for volunteering your time for that Saturday morning.